
On Time:At TildeLogic we pride ourselves with quality software delivery on time. We know that time to market is a critical component of our customers’ success and we take that to heart. To ensure timely delivery of our projects we stick to the following simple principals:

  • Start with well defined requirements and full understanding of our customers’ needs
  • Match the right resources and expertise to the right project to minimize the learning period
  • Assign a project manager to track progress on a continuous bases
  • Report progress to customers and show interim results along the development process

On Budget:We respect your budget as if it was our own. Depending on our customers demand and the scope of their project we work with you to define the best way to engage with you. For long-term ongoing projects we work with our customers on a time/effort based model with clear milestones and delivery timelines. For short-term projects we work with our customer on a fixed price model to ensure that they can accurately forecast their budgets.

On Specs:To deliver what our customers really need we take great care in gathering their requirements to clearly define our Statements of Work (SoW). We regurously review and sign off on our SoW prior to starting any development to make sure we always meet our customers expectations.

Maintenance:All our deliverables come with a limited time warranty. That warranty holds us responsible for the support and maintenance of our work for the first few months of the software deployment. This allows us to ensure the quality of our deliveries and make sure that your projects are running as expected.

Training:At the delivery of our project we provide your team with comprehensive application and code training to allow them to autonomously operate the software or integrate our deliverables into their own projects. We also offer full end-user classroom training if required.

Support: many instances we are delivering a small piece of a much larger projects. Our team guarantees that your internal development team or any other third party developers working on your project are fully supported through out the life of the project.